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KringleCon 3 Map

Staging (Bottom of the Mountain)

    ╔═══════╛   ╘═══════╗
    ║             JR    ║
    ║                   ║
    ║                   ║
Label Description
GOND Gondola to/from Front Lawn
Obj1 Objective 1: Uncover Santa's Gift List
JR Jingle Ringford

Ground Floor

║         ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐         ║
║ GLB     │                          Vendors                          │       ╔═╝
╚═╗       └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘       ║
  ║                                               ┌───┐    ╭────╮             ║
  ║  BL                                           │LPR│ SM │Obj3│             ║
  ║                                    JF         └───┘    ╰────╯             ║
╔═╝                                    XX                                     ╚═╗
║                                                                               ║
╠════════╕   ╒════════╦═══════════════════════════════════╦════════╕   ╒════════╣
║┌───┐ RB             ║         Kitchen           ┌───┐   ║                     ║
║│ELF│                ╙                        FS │336│   ╜                     ║
║└───┘                        ┌───┐               └───┘                         ║
║         HN          ╓       │RED│ HE                    ╖                     ║
║      ┌──────┐       ║       └───┘                       ║                     ║
║      │      │       ╠══════════╦═════════════╤══════════╢                     ║
║      │      │       ║          ║     SA▲     │          ║   ╭────╮            ║
║      │      │       ║          ║             │ Elevator ║   │Obj6│ AC         ║
║      │      │       ╠══════════╝             └──────────╢   ╰────╯            ║
║      │      │       ║        PS               SR        ║                     ║
║      │      │       ║                                 HN║                     ║
║      │      │       ║                              GB   ║                     ║
║      └──────┘       ╜              Entryway             ╙                     ║
║    Dining Room                                                 Great Room     ║
║                     ╖                                   ╓                     ║
╚═════════════════════╬═══════════════╕   ╒═══════════════╬═════════════════════╝
                      ║                                   ║
                      ║       ┌───┐    BCC                ║
                      ║    PM │TMU│            P,M,J-C    ║
                      ║       └───┘                       ║
                      ║                                   ║
                      ║                                   ║
                      ║                                   ║
                      ║  JL                               ║
              GOND    ║                 ┌───┐    ╭────╮   ║
             ╔╛   ╘═══╝                 │KIO│ SU │Obj2│   ║ 
             ║                          └───┘    ╰────╯   ║
                                   Front Lawn
Label Description
GOND Gondola to/from Staging
SA▲ Become Yourself
Obj2 Objective 2: Investigate S3 Bucket
Obj3 Objective 3: Point-of-Sale Password Recovery
Elevator Objective 4: Operate the Santavator
Elevator Objective 10: Defeat Fingerprint Sensor
Obj6 Objective 6: Splunk Challenge
336 33.6kbps
ELF Elf Code
KIO Kringle Kiosk
LPR Linux Primer
RED Redis Bug Hunt
TMU Unescape Tmux
BCC Broken Candy Cane
GLB Green Light Bulb
HN Hex Nut (x2)
AC Angel Candysalt
BL Bubble Lightington
FS Fitzy Shortstack
GB Ginger Breddie
HE Holly Evergreen
JF Jack Frost
JL Jewel Loggins
P, M, J-C Pierre, Marie, and Jean-Claude
PM Pepper Minstix
PS Piney Sappington
RB Ribb Bonbowford
SM Sugarplum Mary
SR Sparkle Redberry
SU Shinny Upatree

Floor 1.5

                            ║   ╭────╮       ┌────┐║
                            ║ NB│Obj8│PM     │    │║ Wrapping Room
                            ║   ╰────╯       └────┘║
                            ║                      ║
                            ║                    BA║
                     ╔══════╩═════════════╛    ╘═══╣
            ╔════════╣         ┌───┐               ║
            ║        ║         │SOM│   MC          ║
            ║        ╜╭────╮   └───┘               ║
            ║  DRC    │Obj5│                       ║
            ║        ╖╰────╯                       ║
            ║        ║    ┌──────────────┐         ║
            ║        ║    │              │         ║
            ║        ║    └──────────────┘         ║
            ║        ║    ┌──────────────┐         ║ Workshop
            ║        ║    │              │ M       ║
            ║        ║    └──────────────┘         ║
            ║  ▼SA▼  ║                             ║
            ╚════════╣                             ║
                     ║┌──────────┐                 ║
                     ║│ Elevator │                 ║
                     ║│          │                 ║
                     ║└──────────┘                 ║
                     ║                             ║
Label Description
▼SA▼ Become Santa
Obj5 Objective 5: Open HID Lock
Obj8 Objective 8: Broken Tag Generator
DRC Dark Room Challenge
M Marble
PM Proxmark
BA Rubber Ball
MC Minty Candycane
NB Noel Boetie

Floor 2

                                 T1    T2    T3    T4    T5    T6    T7
╔═════════════════════╦═════════╛  ╘══╛  ╘══╛  ╘══╛  ╘══╛  ╘══╛  ╘══╛  ╘═══╗
║┌───┐        SN      ║┌───┐                                             RB║
║│SBF│ TC             ║│SUP│ BE          JF                          ┌───┐ ║
║└───┘                ╜└───┘                                     CS  │GCG│ ║
║          MN                                                        └───┘ ║
║                     ╖                                                    ║
║                     ║                           BN                       ║
║                  EB ║                                                    ║
╚═════════════════════╩══════════════════════════════════╗                 ║
 Speaker UNPreparedness                  Talks           ║                 ║
                                                         ║     ┌──────────┐║
                                                         ║     │ Elevator │║
                                                         ║     │          │║
                                                         ║     └──────────┘║
                                                         ║                 ║
Label Description
SUP Speaker Unpreparedness
SBF Snowball Fight
GCG Greeting Card Generator
RB Red Light Bulb
EB Elevator Button for Floor 1.5
BE Bushy Evergreen
BN Bow Ninecandle
CS Chimney Scissorsticks
JF Jack Frost
MN Morcel Nougat

Santa's Office

               ║ES     ╭──────╮        ║
               ║       │ENDING│        ║
               ║       ╰──────╯        ║
               ║                       ║
╔══════════════╩═════════╛   ╘═════════╩══════════════╗
║        ╭─────╮                                      ║
║   ┌────┤Obj11├────┐                                 ║
║   │    ╰─────╯    │                                 ║ Santa's
║   └───────────────┘                                 ║ Office
║               TU                                    ║
║                                                     ║
║                                                     ║
╚═════════════════════╗                          ╔════╝
                      ║                          ║
                      ║              ┌──────────┐║
                      ║              │ Elevator │║
                      ║              │          │║
                      ║              └──────────┘║
                      ║                          ║
Label Description
Obj11 Objective 11a: Naughty/Nice List with Blockchain Investigation Part 1
Obj11 Objective 11b: Naughty/Nice List with Blockchain Investigation Part 2
ES Eve Snowshoes
TU Tinsel Upatree


║     ╭────╮                                                     ║
║     │Obj7│                                                     ║
║     ╰────╯        ┌───────────────────────────────┐            ║
║                   │                               │            ║
║ YB                └───────────────────────────────┘            ║
║                                                                ║
║ ┌────┐            ┌───────────────────────────────┐            ║
║ │CANB│   WO       │                               │            ║ Roof/
║ └────┘            └───────────────────────────────┘            ║ NetWars
║                                                                ║
║                                                                ║
║                      ╭────╮        ┌────┐          ┌──────────┐║
║                      │Obj9│   AS   │ SP │          │ Elevator │║
║                      ╰────╯        └────┘          │          │║
║               JF                                   └──────────┘║
║                                                                ║
Label Description
Obj7 Objective 7: Solve the Sleigh's CAN-D-BUS Problem
Obj9 Objective 9: ARP Shenanigans
CANB CAN-Bus Investigation
SP Scapy Prepper
YB Yellow Light Bulb
AS Alabaster Snowball
JF Jack Frost
WO Wunorse Openslae